Background from Street Figther Alpha 3
This Carrd is still a WIP, but all I need to do is work on sprites, so have fun with these meme replacements
Carrd last updated 6/12/24
You can view this on mobile except for the link subpage, but this is meant for desktop users


Hey, My name is Solsis! You can also call me May Cua/Máy Cưa

Just some rando on the internet, my interest will vary. My main interest are in Fighting games and Action media


  • Trans (pronouns are he/they)

  • Agnostic (diet practicing christian, proud ex/post-evangelicalist)

  • Aro(spec) Gay (as in I like the same gender, I genuinly don't give a crap about other labels)

  • Age: 13-17

  • Vietnamese Born American (off spring of first generation immagrants)

  • INTP

  • Central Leftist, Libertarian


  • Runs a gimmick account

  • Denji Fictionkin (Doubles are ok to interact, seperate me from my kin only in serious conversations or situations, otherwise, I don't really care lmao)

  • Languages: English (native), ASL (Intermidate), Vietnamese (intermidate, though I can only say simple phrases), Japanese (beginner), and french (beginner)

  • Discord is solsis#0708 (MUTUALS AND DEBATES ONLY)


  • I'm the most active on twitter, but if you just want to see my art, I highly suggest you to follow my Deviant Art.

  • If I do something wrong, don't be afraid to contact me. Although I may not be 100% onboard with you, I am happy to listen to criticism when provided.

  • I cuss a lot, if you want me to tone things down for you, feel free to let me know.

  • My opinions are my own and do not reflect on those that I follow/interact friendly.

  • I may or may not get political on my main twitter sometimes (i.e. liking political stuff and talking about politics sometimes) Though keep in mind 99.9% of it has to do with trans stuff

  • I'm open to having friendly arguments and conversations, but due to how hellbent internet discourse is, I highly suggest you to DM me. I will rarely, if not, won't participate in internet discourse publicly.

  • There are gonna be (rare) times I'm gonna be a bit unhinged and mention sex, but do keep in mind I WILL not post NSFW and the most explicit you will get from me is me saying "I wanna bang character X". I'll try my best to tag them as much as possible

  • I headcanon for the sake of fun, so don't take my headcanons of characters too seriously.

  • I'm fine with people I know IRL interact with me, but please keep in mind I will not interact with you back due to the sake of protecting my privacy.

  • My interest will change from time to time

  • 97% of my twitter is shitpost

  • Tag mspec lesbian discourse, less triggering and more annoying (jokes revolving around them are ok)

DO NOT INTERACT (tw for sa)

  • LGBTphobic, racist, sexist, Islamphobic/anti-semetic, and/or you judge people negitavly based around immunable characteristics alone.

  • Neo-Nazis, Leninist/Maoist, Facist, Nationalist, Authoritarianist, Far Right, Tankies, and/or Extremist (I'm ok with those on the right side of the political spectrum interacting with me, but gtfo if you're an authie)

  • Colonization defender (including zionist)

  • Believe Trans and/or Gay people are groomers/predators/etc (especially if you put a lot of empasis on transfems being predators)

  • Use "edgy" racist, homophobic/transphobic, etc jokes

  • Hardcore Anti-theist

  • Shove your beliefs down people's throat (religious or not)

  • Pedophiles, MAPs, and Zoophiles

  • Dismiss someone when they feel they were sexually assaulted because "how they were sexually assaulted isn't valid/"real" sexual assault"

  • Believe that sexual assault isn't real sexual assault because the victim liked the assault (sexual assault is still sexual assault regardless of whether or not both parties were horny or the victim liked it)

  • Don't believe that Yoru sexually assaulted both Denji and Asa in chapters 167-168 of Chainsaw Man

  • Believe you need "Malicious intention" to sexually assault someone (I don't give a shit if you're trying to help deheat someone or you have pure intentions, if they say no and you still keep on engaging in sexual activity with them anyways, you are committing sexual assault. No if, ands, or buts)

  • You're just willing to defend/dismiss sexual assault in general

  • Lolishotacons and those who get off to fictional children, in addition to those who use the word "cunny"

  • Believe it is morally ok to make NSFW content (drawn porn, written smut, etc) of characters portrayed by/based off of actual children (I don't think I have to say this, but apparently I have to)

  • Japanophiles/weeaboos

  • Proshippers (especially incest shippers)

  • NSFW/18+ accounts

  • SH/ED twt, or you are generally anti-recovery

  • Cringe-Culturist

  • Femboy/"trap" reactionaries. I used to sympathize with you guys but now you're just annoying as hell ever since the rerelease of Bridget (and even worse with vivian from paper mario. I can understand bridget, but a character that has always been trans ?????)

  • Don't believe bridget is a trans woman or Yamato is a trans man (I don't care if you believe this, just don't touch me you're annoying)

  • Don't view Communism in a critical light (my parents were affected by communism)

  • Matt Walsh/Libs of Tiktok/etc Supporters and Defenders, fuck off cuz you're stupid (it's ok if you casually consume his content critically)

  • Fine with doxxing and/or telling strangers to die/kill themselves

  • you're just an asshole in general. I will not tolerate the intolerable

  • American Communist, transmeds, and self proclaimed "femboys", ask to interact

If you've commited these crimes in the past, as long as you don't do them again, I'm chill with it. I'm not perfect either.


  • Media from the Action Genre

  • Chainsaw man

  • Fighting Games (in general)

  • Guilty Gear

  • Street Fighter

  • Superhero Tokusatsu, specifically Kamen Rider and a bit of super sentai

  • J-Rock (current artist/bands I'm into are, in no particular order, Eve, Balloon, Queen Bee, Tatsuya Kiyani, Mafumafu, Necchi, un:c, and Kurrock. There's probably more that I haven't list here, but I'll update it as time goes by)

  • Western Action Cartoons (akedo, monkie kid, hero 108, ghost force, murder drones, etc)

  • Video games (NOT FOR BROADCAST, Persona series. DOORS roblox)

  • Dislyte

  • anime

Favorite Character

My interest outside of fictional media is philosophy, politics, and anything that lets me use my ability to critically think.Also if you're into any of the bolded, please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE interact with me (as long as you don't fit the DNI)also tldr I consume my interest critically if it wasn't obvious


  • There's a possibility of a god, but an immense claim needs immense evidence.

  • Anti-Authoritarianism

  • Gender is not a solcial construct, but instead, a biological state (this could also be used for pro-xenogenders fyi).

  • Gender =/= gender expression (this should already be obvious, but I'm only shouting it out for the annoying people in the back)

  • Moderate Anti-shipper/fiction (Ok with depictions of questionable and deplorable topics, such as abuse and exploitation, especially if it's onto children, as long with a strictly critical lense. But I cross the line if said media starts to glamorize, romanticize, fetishize, glorify, etc said themes and topics). I still wouldn't touch a proshipper or person identifying as a proshipper with a ten foot pole though.

  • Heavy multiculturalist. Both eastern and western sides of the world have good and bad values sown into them. But multiculturalism should be only consenting for both parties (if native americans, africans, and more want to gatekeep their culture, they are allowed to do so if they feel so, especially when it comes to history and such)

  • Censorship is 99% useless a lot of the time. At best, it's better to release a product with content warnings/disclaimers when releasing an archived piece of media.

  • Capitalism Communism neutral (my ideal world is a money-istic society with a shit ton of humanitarian benifits)

  • VERY culturally left

  • Slightly/moderate individualist

  • Pro-life Pro-choice neutral (though I am heavily against banning abortion) my views on the matter swing like a pendulum, but what I vote for stays the same (that is, if I ever choose to vote)

  • I'm as for giving someone as much reasources to raise their child so they can choose life as much as keeping abortion legal

  • Fiction effects reality and doesn't exist like a vacuum

  • Pro-Universal Healthcare, Tax the Rich (+land and sugar)

  • Anti-Imperialism/Colonization

  • Religion and State must be seperated

  • Destigmatize drug use (see prohibition).

  • Pro-gun control

  • NFTs are dumb

  • Against AI art

  • 100% for sex ed for children (by that, I don't mean things like encouraging todlers to have sex with eachother, but rather more, teach them about things like consent and what sexual abuse is and the encouragement of getting help. Teaching children where babies come from is completely optional).

  • 100% for sex ed in general, especially comprehensive sex ed (should be taught once in fourth grade, usually the average time a child will start to go through puberty) This is coming from someone who has bad experiences with sex negative people who are always so "ignorance is bliss" when it comes to sex

  • Religion shoudn't be taught to children, especially at a very young age.

  • Anti Black and White thinking

  • F1NNST3R is a cool person (normalizing "fem" bodies while identifying ass a man), but there are a lil bits of cracks. If you want a better grisp of my opinion, watch Muggen Mylle's video on him.

  • Trans healthcare should be apart of universal healthcare while things like surgeries and HRT should be apart of private healthcare. Those who do choose surgeries and HRT should be aware of the risk and take personal responsibility if they end up regretting it, regardless of if they are cis or trans (although admittedly, you can live without your sex organs and you can live without a sex life).

  • Mspec Lesbian neutral (I have a ton of questions unanswered, so if you want todebate me, please, please PLEASE DO SO)

  • Self-Diagnosis isn't bad, but should only be seen as simular to an epipen. It's always important to talk to a doctor about serious issues, especially issues revolving around mental illness/disability.

  • Things like racism towards white people, cis/hetrophobia, etc do not exist. However, that doesn't mean it isn't a possibility.

  • Punishment should be rehabilitative and not corperal

  • I'm only "Catholic" for progressive and philosophical reasons. I don't like some of the ideologies, but the ascetics and generally worshiping a God is cool.

  • Radical Free Thinker

  • Generally live by the live and let live mindset

  • May or may not update in further notice, also feel free to ask me futher on either said topics or seperate topics